Share your wit with the world

Send a message out, get one back. It’s as simple as that.

Communi-Tea Wit

Respond to a daily question that everyone gets. See what everyone thinks and contribute with your best.

10 infusions
What would you do for a klondike bar?
45 infusions
What 90s toy do you miss?
70 infusion
What's the biggest lie you've caught someone in?
1 day ago

Use your Wit

Messages in our app are called Wit. Send out Wit to get Wit back. Wit will be sent out to other witty individuals but only the best will be sent again.

1 tea point • 1 infusion
Some really great wit is waiting for you!
5 days ago

Having trouble being witty?

We've created some starter questions to help get the creative juices flowing. Just tap the "STUCK?" button in the app to generate a question.

What's the secret to a long life?

If you were a billionaire what would you do with your money?

If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?


Feel free to contact us with any questions that you might have. We’ll try to get back with you as soon as possible.